Monday, November 06, 2006
Self-Awareness Sucks
I had this long post typed out, but then I realized I sounded like a whiny, stuck-up baby. So I deleted it.

Boo-Hoo I can't make friends. Boo-Hoo I have social anxiety. Boo-Hoo I'm awesome and no one knows it (yes, that seriously was a theme). I sounded like my sister, and that made me want to jump of a bridge.

Instead, I share "Angry German Kid." You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll get your tubes tied.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap. Can you say, "Hitler in training?" That gave me a headache!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, the YouTube wouldn't work for me...It gonna make me want to get me tubes tied huh??? Oh that would be a good one!!!!!! Um, if ya thinks about it ya may be able to figure out why me would lauf an lauf till me got a belly ache on that comment!!! **aches in belly lmao**

Me is sure that yer original post wasnt a wheenin an whinin...But if you thought it was then ya musta thought so for a reason........

Has a good day... Mines wasnt bad... LMAO....

Anonymous Anonymous said...

** um me like the title ~~ Self Awareness Sucks ~~ me had to giggle like a schoolgirl esp since me had been accused of being self-centered etc etc over a blog me typed.... LOL ... It's yer blog an if ya wants to complain then who is anyone to say otherwise???

Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHH...if the YouTube had sub-titles for the "Angry German Kid"...ME NERVES... Me own son TG gets very angry with the computer when it don't do what he want..But the day he would act like that...You doesn't wanna know what me would react like...Duck-tape would be a thought..Around his mouth...To the wall...And everywhere else me could think...ME NERVES...TIE THE TUBES??? oh me would wanna go one step further.. They does say that a tubal doesn't guarantee that a wee little 'accident' wouldn't happen....but me did LMAO at spots. And got a headache in others... How does a kid let someone videotape him actin like a complete moron/idiot/goof?? {{ hey personal opinion only here ok??? }} But thx.. Me did get the video an woah baby. The boy in need of bigtime HELP!!!!!!!! rofl

Blogger MP said...

WOW...get that kid DSL and some little pills. Next thing you know he'll be drowning kittens in a well.

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