I've spoken before about my lack of TV shows growing up, and my new obsession with them. (Um..Heroes...Rocks!)
I was also severely deprived of video games. Well, I should specify. I had a kick ass computer game called "Funhouse" based on the kid's game show of the same name, and hosted by J.D. Roth (now hosting the Biggest Loser or something). I was also a fan of my sister's copy of Barbie's Mall Madness.

These are quite possibly the worst games ever created.
I never had a Nintendo of any sort. My best friend did and I think we played Duck Hunt like 5 times and I was over it. Our creepy bachelor neighbor had a Sega Genesis and all of the neighborhood kids went to play Sonic at his house. (With no other parents to supervise. In retrospect, he must have been gay. Or our parents--a large group of single moms in a condo complex--were to busy drinking and sunbathing by the pool to care.)
To be honest, I never felt like I was missing out.
All of this background leads me to my current situation. The Hubs, being a boy growing up in the Silicon Valley in the '90's LOVES him some video games.I never got the appeal of the first person shooters and the scary driving games. My hand-eye coordination is SO bad, not only was I terrible at them, I had no idea how to get better.
Over the last five years, I've slowly made my way to the dark side. First it was a little MarioCart on the weekends. The I was introduced to Wario Ware on the Gameboy Advance. The final straw came last year when I saw a Nintendo DS. I travel quite a bit, and the games to play on that are fun. And accessible for someone like me who sucks at video games. I'm addicted to this one called Animal Crossing, which could be the stupidest concept for a game. Go earn money. Decorate your house. Pay off your mortgage.
Wait. Isn't that called life? And yet, I play every day. Probably because you can't lose. And it takes little to no skill. My kind of thing.
It get worse. The Hubs got Guitar Hero for Christmas. I was very reluctant to try, considering my inability to play a anything slightly competitive. And the whole, having no rhythm issue. I gave it a try eventually. And, Lordy, Lordy. It was fun. And I wasn't 1/2 bad. The Hubs jokingly said if I completed the game on Medium we could get a Wii. I had my ultimatum. And I did it.
Now we come to the reason I don't post. The Wii. Holy crap, is this thing a blast. I bowl, I golf, I throw darts and shave faces (it's the next in the WarioWare series.) I am addicted, once again, to a Nintendo product. What am I? 12? The saving grace is that you stand to play, and that's actually really good for my back, so I excuse myself for playing, calling it my "physical therapy."
Moral of the story. When you deprive your kids of the hip new thing, they grow up to be weird semi-adults who let themselves get sucked into them. Or not. I think I may be an anomaly.
I was also severely deprived of video games. Well, I should specify. I had a kick ass computer game called "Funhouse" based on the kid's game show of the same name, and hosted by J.D. Roth (now hosting the Biggest Loser or something). I was also a fan of my sister's copy of Barbie's Mall Madness.

These are quite possibly the worst games ever created.
I never had a Nintendo of any sort. My best friend did and I think we played Duck Hunt like 5 times and I was over it. Our creepy bachelor neighbor had a Sega Genesis and all of the neighborhood kids went to play Sonic at his house. (With no other parents to supervise. In retrospect, he must have been gay. Or our parents--a large group of single moms in a condo complex--were to busy drinking and sunbathing by the pool to care.)
To be honest, I never felt like I was missing out.
All of this background leads me to my current situation. The Hubs, being a boy growing up in the Silicon Valley in the '90's LOVES him some video games.I never got the appeal of the first person shooters and the scary driving games. My hand-eye coordination is SO bad, not only was I terrible at them, I had no idea how to get better.
Over the last five years, I've slowly made my way to the dark side. First it was a little MarioCart on the weekends. The I was introduced to Wario Ware on the Gameboy Advance. The final straw came last year when I saw a Nintendo DS. I travel quite a bit, and the games to play on that are fun. And accessible for someone like me who sucks at video games. I'm addicted to this one called Animal Crossing, which could be the stupidest concept for a game. Go earn money. Decorate your house. Pay off your mortgage.
Wait. Isn't that called life? And yet, I play every day. Probably because you can't lose. And it takes little to no skill. My kind of thing.
It get worse. The Hubs got Guitar Hero for Christmas. I was very reluctant to try, considering my inability to play a anything slightly competitive. And the whole, having no rhythm issue. I gave it a try eventually. And, Lordy, Lordy. It was fun. And I wasn't 1/2 bad. The Hubs jokingly said if I completed the game on Medium we could get a Wii. I had my ultimatum. And I did it.
Now we come to the reason I don't post. The Wii. Holy crap, is this thing a blast. I bowl, I golf, I throw darts and shave faces (it's the next in the WarioWare series.) I am addicted, once again, to a Nintendo product. What am I? 12? The saving grace is that you stand to play, and that's actually really good for my back, so I excuse myself for playing, calling it my "physical therapy."
Moral of the story. When you deprive your kids of the hip new thing, they grow up to be weird semi-adults who let themselves get sucked into them. Or not. I think I may be an anomaly.